First Barbadifrate delivery 2018 Franco copy.jpg

“The Barba di frate grown by Amanda Stradling is wonderful.  For many years I grew my own until I managed to persuade someone in London to import it from Italy for me. Now I can buy from Amanda freshly picked. It's not worth growing  your own hers gets delivered cleaned and perfect! Can't ask for better.”

Franco Taruschio. 


Serves 4 - 6

This recipe makes a great light meal served hot or cold with salad.



200g of Amanda’s Barba di Frate

6 large eggs

50 g of pecorino, finely grated

50 g of thinly sliced pancetta or prosciutto or sun-dried tomatoes (for vegetarians) cut into thin strips

150 g cold cooked potato or mozzarella cut into small cubes

3-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Black pepper


To prepare the Barba di Frate rinse in cold water and drain, Cook for 8 - 10 minutes in simmering lightly salted water, or steam, drain immediately and lay out on a clean towel to dry.

Put the eggs in a bowl and beat lightly, add the Barba, the pecorino, pancetta or sundried tomatoes, the potato or mozzarella and a grinding of black pepper. Mix well. 

Put a frying pan (one with a lid) on medium to high heat, when hot add the oil. Swirl it around the pan and then add the egg mixture. Cover with a lid and reduce the heat to medium leave for 10 – 15 minutes until the top has set sufficiently to turn the frittata. Use a palette knife to loosen the edges.

When ready, turn the frittata upside-down onto a large plate, then slide it back into the frying pan to finish cooking the other side. Cook for a further 5 minutes, no need to cover now. 

Raw Clay