Grown, Picked & Packed in the glorious wye valley

long growing season - Available April to october



We grow our celebrated Barba di Frate to organic principles. It’s free from any chemicals and bursting with natural flavour.


We carefully tip pick all our Barba di Frate by hand. This means you have less prep time in the kitchen and no waste.

shipped Fresh

We s double-pack your Barba di Frate in environmentally friendly chilled packaging. We then send it straight to you so it arrives fresh and ready to use.

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Wye Valley salads

We also grow more than 150 varieties of exceptional salad leaves, herbs and edible flowers and 80 varieties of heritage large and cherry tomatoes. We use these to create our award-winning salads and edible flower and tomato punnets. We supply chefs and restaurants locally in and around the Wye Valley. Find out more


“Your produce is outstanding and the judges were unanimous in their decision.”

Wye Valley Salads, Winner, From the Earth Category Delicious Produce Awards 2018


Our latest news



The Barba di frate grown by Wye Valley Salads is wonderful. For many years I grew my own until I managed to persuade someone in London to import it from Italy for me. Now I can buy from Amanda freshly picked. It’s not worth growing your own - hers gets delivered cleaned and perfect! Can’t ask for better.
— Franco Taruschio
Wye Valley Barba di frate is a delicious, versatile and unusual seasonal salad/vegetable ingredient grown here in Herefordshire with Amanda’s tender care.
— Lindy Wildsmith, Herefordshire based food-writer, author, cook and teacher.
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